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摘要:文章目录 1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Questionnaires and respondents 2.2. Statistics and analysis 3. Basic information of the respondents 3.1. Gender and age 3.2. Education background 3.3. Monthly income 3.4. Whether th
1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Questionnaires and respondents
2.2. Statistics and analysis
3. Basic information of the respondents
3.1. Gender and age
3.2. Education background
3.3. Monthly income
3.4. Whether the respondents were practitioners in pharmaceutical industry
4. Data analysis
4.1. The impacts of age,education background,whetherthe respondents were practitioners in the pharmaceutical industry,and monthly income on respondents’knowledge of buying prescription drugs online
4.1.1. Age
4.1.2. Education background
4.1.3. Whether the respondents were practitioners in the pharmaceutical industry
4.1.4. Monthly income
4.2. Factors that influence whether buying prescription drugs online
4.2.1. Effects of age on willingness to buy prescription drugs online
4.2.2. Effects of occupation on the willingness to buy prescription drugs online
4.2.3. Impact of monthly income range on the willingness to buy prescription drugs online
5. Discussion and suggestion
5.1. Strengthen the popularity of online drug store and online prescription drug purchase[3]
5.2. Reduce consumers’expenses on online prescription drugs
文章来源:《中国处方药》 网址: http://www.zgcfyzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/1028/872.html